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"Sadie" AKA Silver Lining's Southern Comfort

Sadie is the little potato that started it all. Sadie is my heart. I love this girl so much that she is tattooed on my arm :P She still has a lot of spunk and is always trying to get her daughter Penelope to wrestle with her. She's a wonderful mom and I'm so thankful that she gave me Penelope and that Penny has never known a day without her mama. Sadie is a lady who knows exactly what she wants and will let me know by giving me the tiniest little bark to say, "hey! put me up on the couch" or "I'd like to go sun bathe on the patio". She is obsessed with using my foot as a pillow and if I move my leg then she just army crawls to where my foot resides and plants her little chin on it again. I don't fight it anymore haha Sadie enjoys walks, but only if she can stop every minute or so to roll around in the grass. Again, I don't fight it! It would be like trying to tug a little boulder and really... it's pretty cute! 

"Penelope" AKA Silver Lining's Penny Dreadful

Penelope is one of the sweetest frenchies you could ever meet! She gives smooches on command and is happiest when her head is on my lap. When she was a tiny baby she would paw at my hand to get belly rubs and years later, getting belly rubs remains her favourite pastime. There isn't a day that goes by that Penny doesn't make me smile. Penelope is a doting mother who adores her babies from birth until they go to their new families. She's loving, gentle, and very patient (even when they get their little shark teeth lol). Penny is also one of the most athletic frenchies I have ever met. She can run and play for hours, but she is never hyper and as soon as she is back inside she's ready for naps and cuddles. She and her boyfriend Rhino have made some of the most beautiful pups I have ever laid eyes on. Sure I'm biased, but the proof is in the pudding! I've kept back nine Penny and Rhino daughters, granddaughters, and great granddaughters to be the future of Silver Lining Frenchies; Marla, Stella, Stevie, Stormy, Boomer, Josephine, Yeti, Marlow, and Popples!

"Marla" AKA Silver Lining's What a Hitter!

Marla is a stunning Penny and Rhino daughter who lives with my dear friend and co-owner Christina (Insta @strandsofbluepearls). As soon as my sister Kim (Insta @outoftheblue_frenchies) laid eyes on Marla she said, "you're keeping her!" It was easy to agree with Kim because Marla is perfection. Marla is almost as wide as she is long and has a sweet and goofy personality to go along with her incredible structure. Marla loves her best buddy, Pearl (another beautiful frenchie) and her tiny human companions. In Christina's home "mornings are for snuggles" and Marla and Pearl take turns trying to lay on their mom's lap. Marla became a mom in 2021 and absolutely adored her babies! She's such a sweet, loving girl and we are so excited for her next batch of perfect pups! Marla can produce blue brindles, blue fawns, and blue pieds!

"Stella" AKA Silver Lining's Streetcar Named Desire

What happens when you have not one, but TWO perfect puppies that you can't simply can't part with? Well, you give them to your friends! Stella is also the daughter of Penny and Rhino and is Marla's littermate. The gorgeous redhead, Stella lives with my friends Susan and Shane, their five beautiful children and her frenchie friends Sonic an d Dot! Stella loves to play fetch with the kids and when she's tuckered out there is no better place for a nap than in front of the fireplace with her boyfriend, Sonic. Stella reminds me so much of her mom, Penelope. She's extremely cuddly and will flop herself down onto her humans and wait for those sweet sweet belly rubs! Stella became a mom in 2021 and is such a great little mama. She's extremely patient with her babies and loves to help me keep them spotlessly clean and well fed! Stella can produce blue fawns and blue brindles! 

"Stormy" AKA Silver Lining's Calm Before The Storm

Meet Stormy! She is my fourth generation production and I'm so proud of this little girl. She lives with my guardian home in Calgary. Stormy loves playing fetch and wrestling with her frenchie sister, Ruby. Stormy has a gorgeous, shiny silver coat and the happiest little face! She loves napping with her humans and soaking up all the love! She's the definition of a tiny tank! 17 lbs of pure muscle! I absolutely adore Stormy and am so proud of her for giving me my fifth generation of Silver Lining Frenchies in 2021. She had four stunning babies who she loved to play with! In 2022 she had six beautiful babies and I knew I had to keep a lovely daughter from each litter. Josephine and Marlow will one day bring the sixth generation of these amazing lines into the world! Stormy can produce blue and lilac brindles and trindles!

"Stevie" AKA Silver Lining's Go Your Own Way

Stevie is co-owned with my good friends Kenda and Mindy. She is the happiest little potato and spends each day playing and cuddling with her big sisters, Millie and Thalia. Stevie pretends to be the mom of a little frenchie boy named Brave and she is extremely gentle and patient with babies. She's going to be an incredible little mama! Stevie loves to cuddle up on the couch with her human parents and enjoys sleeping cheek to cheek lol seriously, the closer the better with this little nugget! Stevie is my final keeper from Penelope and Rhino and is a miniature version of her mommy, including having the happiest little face! Stevie has had one litter of seven lovely puppies and is an amazing mom! Stevie can produce blue fawns and blue brindles!

"Josephine" AKA Silver Lining's Midnight In Paris
*** Pups Available For Families In USA***

Josephine is the gorgeous daughter of Stormy and Royal. She's a tiny little tank, just like her mama! Jospehine lives with my co-owner in Lousianna and her babies will be available to families in the USA! She's a lot of personality in a tiny package and has a big smile that's completely contagious. She absolutely adores her frenchie brothers, Beau and Atticus and she loves to kiss them and clean their faces. Josephine matured into a beautiful, healthy, athletic, compact girl with the sweetest face you've ever seen! Her first litter will be in 2022 and I'm excited to see the sixth generation of my lines from this playful, silly little lady. Josephine or "Joey" can produce blue and lilac brindles, trindles, fawns, and clear pointed blue and tans and lilac and tans!

"Yeti" AKA Silver Lining's Yeti Or Not, Here I Come

Yeti is the scrumptious little daughter of Stevie and Sonic. She's a blue brindle with a big beautiful white blaze on her chest and white tipped toes! Yeti lives in a wonderful guardian home where she's loved and adored by her moms! Her temperament is outstanding and she loves playing, meeting new peoples, and alllllllll the cuddles. She loves to curl up on a human for an epic snooze. Her parents say she's the smartest little cookie who loves solving puzzle toys and is happiest when she's the center of attention. Yeti is still young, so she won't be a mama until some time in 2023. Yeti can definitely make blue brindles, fawns, and pieds, but she also might be able to make lilacs, creams, and tan points too! 

"Marlow" AKA Silver Lining's Face That Launched a Thousand Ships

Marlow is a small, stunning daughter of Stormy and Oz. She's a fifth generation production of my lines and will one day bring the sixth generation of Silver Lining Frenchies into the world. Marlow lives in an amazing guardian home in Edmonton with her sister, Boomer. She and Boomer are the best of friends and when they aren't playing together, they can be found cuddling and napping together. Both girls are also huge fans of their human parents and siblings and never miss an opportunity for a solid snuggle on the couch. Marlow is still young, so she won't have a litter until 2023. Marlow can make blue and lilac brindles, trindles, fawns, and clear pointed blue and tans and lilac and tans! 

"Popples" AKA Silver Lining's Pop It Like It's Hot

Popples is an incredible blue irish pied with the sweetest temperament imaginable. She's the daughter of Marla and Sonic. Popples lives with Penelope and I and she brings so much joy to our lives! Popples is obsessed with her grandma Penny and when it's time for a nap she snuggles in as close as possible and sometimes even on top of the old girl lol Popples is a huge fan of every person and dog she meets and isn't shy to greet humans or canines with a lot of kisses! Thankfully she's so sweet that no one seems to mind! Popples is still a puppy, so she won't have a litter until 2023. She can definitely make blue brindles and blue pieds, but she also might have a lot of other tricks up her sleeve! I never colour DNA test and always keep my girls back on their quality alone, so it'll be interesting to see if she has some surprises in store!

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